With the recent bad/cold weather and ice forming on Presque Isle Bay, lots of duck/waterfowl activity on the lake around Presque Isle State Park: Gadwall, Mallard, American Black Duck, Redhead, Canvasback, Greater/Lesser Scaup, American Wigeon, Ruddy Duck, Ring-necked Duck, Common Goldeneye, the Merganser ‘trio,’ Canada Geese, Tundra Swan, American Coot, etc., even a few tardy Green-winged Teal and Northern Shoveler. Lots of content to come, but the following shots alternate between (i) a beautiful male Common Merganser by South Pier & (ii) misc. duck:
More Raptors In Trees
Recent raptors in trees under overcast/wintry conditions, in Millcreek Twp, PA (“Gateway to Presque Isle”). First up, Red-tailed Hawk. Kind of hard to see, but exhibiting feeding behavior, namely, this beautiful bird was successful in hunting some sort of unlucky critter:
Alternating with probably lovely Cooper’s Hawk:
And a different Red-tailed Hawk perched treetop:
Coming up next, ducks!
Sunny, Cold Birds
Happy to report Presque Isle State Park was back open for business as of Monday morning. Thanks to all the work crews for getting things back in good shape!
Saturday, cold and snowy in Erie County, PA. Sunday, very windy and very cold with alternating clouds and hazy sunshine. Monday, beautiful, sunny day, but extremely cold (-12 deg C / 10 deg F) + windchill. (Photo immediately above: iced-in picnic table at West Pier.) Following shots, American Robin and European Starling in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”) on Monday:
NSFW = nice snake for winter. Here, temps in Erie County, PA were overall high enough end-December for an active mature Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis) off the Canoe Portage Trail:
And now, ‘bonus’ reptile, etc. content from Arizona! Here, beautiful Spiny Lizards in the Sceloporus genus, probably either Desert Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus magisteror) or Texas Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus olivaceus):
Finally, a Sonoran desert trio:
Another winter reprieve, with early morning bird shots from in/around the Tucson, AZ metro area back in August.
Lots of Gambel’s Quail, including a kerfuffle:
First two, then three males:
More beautiful Cactus Wren:
PI Storm Closure
Update: 14 January 2024
As of around noon on Sunday, Presque Isle State Park is totally closed (at the main gate) due to storm damage and downed power lines, for both vehicle and pedestrian access.
Dateline: 12 January 2024
Presque Isle State Park remained mostly closed Friday, due to storm damage from the recent high winds. All vehicle and pedestrian access was closed past Stull Interpretive Center, although the beach was open. (Presumably one could walk east along the beach further into the park proper.)
Gullmania VII.b
The ‘excitement’ continues with more winter gulls from in and near Presque Isle State Park!
In line with these shots (ice, overcast, snow, etc.), the Erie County forecast calls for bad weather pretty much the rest of January. Stay tuned to BirdingPI.com for plenty more gloomy winter content!
Gullmania VII.a
Generally bad weather over the weekend in Erie County, PA – overcast, light rain/snow, etc. – but temps remained around freezing = not much snow accumulation + highly variable ice conditions at Presque Isle State Park. (E.g., Long Pond significantly frozen on Saturday, but mostly unfrozen Sunday.) Lots of gull activity generally; here, from Sunday, lots of beautiful American Pixie Gull (a.k.a. Bonaparte’s Gull) off Leo’s Landing:
Leave It To Muskrat
Somehow the spirit of Eddie Haskell lives on, with these recent shots of Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) @ Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):
Coming up soon, a snake in winter! #global_warming
While waiting on the Presque Isle ‘Weekend Update’ (spoiler: ducks and gulls), time to revert back to warmer climes in Arizona back in August. These shots from a SE Arizona Birding Festival field 1/2-day trip to Florida Canyon and Box Canyon, both northeast of world-famous Madera Canyon outside the town of Green Valley.
Sound like the locals: “Florida” is the Spanish pronunciation = flo-REE-dah.
ID tip on Cassin’s Kingbird: strongly gray head and chest with starkly delineated white throat.
Bird of the day, a lovely Thick-billed Kingbird, mostly found in Mexico:
ID tip: similar colouration to other ‘western’/tropical kingbirds, with brown-ish wings, gray head, yellow underside, gray breast, and white-ish throat. but relatively large sized + chunky bill. This location (upper Box Canyon) has typical vegetation for this bird = mature sycamore + streamside.
Here, a beautiful Scott’s Oriole (f) on probably Century Plant (Agave americana):
Finally, an amazing Golden Eagle: