Gullmania VII.a

Generally bad weather over the weekend in Erie County, PA – overcast, light rain/snow, etc. – but temps remained around freezing = not much snow accumulation + highly variable ice conditions at Presque Isle State Park. (E.g., Long Pond significantly frozen on Saturday, but mostly unfrozen Sunday.) Lots of gull activity generally; here, from Sunday, lots of beautiful American Pixie Gull (a.k.a. Bonaparte’s Gull) off Leo’s Landing:

Leave It To Muskrat

Somehow the spirit of Eddie Haskell lives on, with these recent shots of Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) @ Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”):

Coming up soon, a snake in winter! #global_warming


While waiting on the Presque Isle ‘Weekend Update’ (spoiler: ducks and gulls), time to revert back to warmer climes in Arizona back in August. These shots from a SE Arizona Birding Festival field 1/2-day trip to Florida Canyon and Box Canyon, both northeast of world-famous Madera Canyon outside the town of Green Valley.

Sound like the locals: “Florida” is the Spanish pronunciation = flo-REE-dah.

ID tip on Cassin’s Kingbird: strongly gray head and chest with starkly delineated white throat.

Bird of the day, a lovely Thick-billed Kingbird, mostly found in Mexico:

ID tip: similar colouration to other ‘western’/tropical kingbirds, with brown-ish wings, gray head, yellow underside, gray breast, and white-ish throat. but relatively large sized + chunky bill. This location (upper Box Canyon) has typical vegetation for this bird = mature sycamore + streamside.

Here, a beautiful Scott’s Oriole (f) on probably Century Plant (Agave americana):

Finally, an amazing Golden Eagle:


On a snowy Sunday in Erie County, PA, time for more winter birds @ Presque Isle State Park:

Ring-billed Gulls on air, land, & water:

Finally, a trio of Bufflehead (f) ‘flapping/rear view’ on Presque Isle Bay:

The Shortest Straw

Dateline: 31 December 2023

This shortest straw has been pulled for you…” – Metallica, The Shortest Straw, 1988.

It was time once again for’s annual “New Year’s Eve day trek to Gull Point.” With cold temps, overcast skies, light/persistent rain, and minimal bird activity, the normally happy occasion morphed into’s “New Year’s Eve day involuntary ordeal out to Gull Point.” Happy to report, however, only minimal hypothermia. #no_birder_left_behind

Highlight of the day, lovely Downy Woodpecker in ‘launch’ mode:

Finally out at Gull Point proper, e.g., outer mud flats. The only in situ birds observed, two Herring Gulls:

So this goes down as “Gull Point least on-site bird activity ever.” Which is something, maybe.

And to wrap it up, on Lake Erie off Gull Point, first a raft/line of ducks, mostly Scaup (Greater? Lesser?):

And one, lone, lovely Ruddy Duck:

Coming up soon, more Erie County, PA bad weather, and then some!


Ahead of what looks to be a cold and (lightly) snowy weekend in Erie County, PA, some misc./recent bird pics from Presque Isle State Park!

A nice series of beautiful Ring-necked Duck (m):

Two of GBHIF in fog over Thompson Bay:

Finally, two of lovely American Tree Sparrow by Beach No. 11 parking:

Wishing everyone a great weekend! #enjoy_nature