More PI (etc.) Bird

Wow, an unprecedented 3rd daily post! It really is a big day, content-wise at least. These shots from last weekend mostly at Presque Isle State Park:

Eastern Towhee (m), Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”)
American Goldfinch (m)
Brown-headed Cowbird (f)
Northern Flicker
Common Yellowthroat, female, back view
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (f)
Brown Thrasher
Black-throated Blue Warbler (f)
More Brown Thrasher

Great sequence of female Black-throated Blue Warbler @ Ridge Trail. Note the distinctive ‘square’ white wing patch:

Very cool to see immature, probably female Northern Parula:

Black-throated Blue Warbler (m)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (f)
Eastern Towhee (m) in tree
Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Triple view of Hermit Thrush (note the contrasting tail):

Chestnut-sided Warbler high in tree
Chestnut-sided Warbler II
Palm Warbler
Red-winged Blackbird (m)
Yellow-rumped Warbler

Nice triple view of White-throated Sparrow in the woods:

Gray Catbird!

Happy birding! #more_bird

Birding @ Sunset

Great time of year for sunsets over Lake Erie if the weather cooperates. These shots from a week ago Thursday at Presque Isle State Park under warm & sunny (except for clouds at the horizon) conditions:

Palm Warbler

This is along the beach trail NE of Stull Interpretive Center. Directions: upon entering the park, drive past Stull and then Leo’s Landing; make a U-turn at the first turnaround after Leo’s Landing. Look for the parking wide spot on the right with the wooden posts. Follow the woods trail to the multi-use trail, keep going to the beach trail. (Beach trail is a sandy trail in the screen of woods between the beach and the multi-use trail = seasonally good for birds.)

White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Deer in woods
Warbling Vireo
Palm Warbler in late afternoon sun
More Palm Warbler
Baltimore Oriole (m)
More Warbling Vireo
Even more Palm Warbler

This particular evening in this area, lots (and lots) of Palm Warbler, Baltimore Oriole, & Warbling Vireo activity:

Palm Warbler @ sunset

Welcome To Pennsylvania

It’s a strange but wonderful medley of recent Pennsylvania birds – colourful “new for 2024” x Tufted Titmouse engaging in some sort of foraging behavior, or perhaps gathering nest building materials, anyway, something to do with moss:

Tufted Titmouse carrying moss, Ridge Trail
Baltimore Oriole (f or juvenile)
Baltimore Oriole (m)
Probably juvenile Baltimore Oriole

Finally, an amazing Scarlet Tanager along the Sidewalk Trail, way up in a tree:

Scarlet Tanager (m)
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General update: Erie Co. weather conditions variable, as always, e.g., sunny/windy Wednesday, cloudy Thursday. Forecast for “Big Day” this Saturday: PM rain; be sure to get out early! Yesterday early AM, amazing bird activity at Leo’s Landing (e.g., warblers, vireos, and so on). Recent sightings: Ruby-throated Hummingbird (x2), Gray Catbirds! pretty much everywhere, & more Rose-breasted Grosbeak than usual. Coming up soon: fun at Gull Point, more warblers & vireos, + the most amazing (literally) Cedar Waxwing behavior ever!

Wknd. “Warblers”

Dateline: 5 May 2024

Magnolia Warbler

Generally speaking, currently lots and lots (!) of bird activity at Presque Isle State Park, esp. warblers and vireos. Last couple years, seemed like more activity earlier relative to the tree foliage, e.g., more species seen when the trees were still relatively bare. This year, it’s hitting closer to full leaf coverage = more difficult to see + lots of staring up into tall/leafy trees + not much hope for Bay-breasted Warbler. OTOH, anecdotally, more Nashville, Tennessee, Northern Parula, & Cape May Warbler activity = great.

Nashville Warbler (note the wide white eye ring)

Shots above & below along the Sidewalk Trail & Ridge Trail on Sunday, under overcast/warm/humid conditions; bad for bird photography, but still plenty to see.

Magnolia Warbler @ dive
Nashville Warbler, high in tree
Black-throated Blue Warbler (m)

Really great (& not that common) to see this lovely Blue-winged Warbler. Note the eyeline, blue-ish wings, and wing bars:

Blue-winged Warbler
Common Yellowthroat (m)
Blue-winged Warbler @ gathering nesting material
Common Yellowthroat @ launch
More Blue-winged Warbler

This is is blurry even after sharpening, but still great to see a Blue-headed Vireo (usually too far up in the trees to see well or at all):

Blue-headed Vireo
Cape May Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Another view of Cape May Warbler
American Redstart (f)
Yellow Warbler @ honeysuckle
Another view of female American Redstart
Yellow Warbler (m) on log
Palm Warbler
Common Yellowthroat (f)
Palm Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler taking flight
Black-and-white Warbler on tree

Even @ 400mm, still pretty far away:

Black-throated Green Warbler (uncropped view)
Black-throated Green Warbler (cropped view)
Another view of Black-and-white Warbler

Bonus Yellow Warbler on a sunny day at Headwaters Park:

More @ The Pier

South Pier: the City of Erie’s best spot for (i) eating lunch in your car in a parking lot with a view; (ii) hanging out in your car for other, unknown reasons; (iii) pier fishing; (iv) littering; (v) smoking/vaping/etc.; (vi) watching the happenings at North Pier; (vii) boat watching; and (viii) birding and other nature observation. Plus, chemical toilets!

“Shot of the day:” head-on Common Loon

Moving on to “recent South Pier news,” it’s repairs to North Pier w/ giant crane (Coast Guard Station on left):

Not unexpectedly (see any Osprey nest), the Osprey were very intrigued with this new neighbourhood high spot:

Even more exciting news, great sighting of a Common Raven (!):

Spotted Sandpiper

“Mashup” of Common Loon & mostly Caspian Tern:

Common Loon w/ snack
Caspian Terns
American Pixie Gull (center)

American Coot


Dateline: 5 May 2024

Black-and-white Warbler, today on the Ridge Trail

Despite excellent conditions, seemingly very few folks out birding yesterday or today. (Anecdotally speaking.) For the avoidance of doubt, the time to be birding at Presque Isle State Park is now. Not next week, not two weeks from now, literally now. Or maybe tomorrow. Anyway, tremendous warbler activity, as good as it ever gets, e.g., along the Sidewalk Trail, both yesterday (east end) and today (west end), + lots of other amazing birds. (Spoiler alert: male & female Rose-breasted Grosbeak, + male Scarlet Tanager, + Sandhill Cranes.)

Saturday @ PTT

Dateline: 4 May 2024

Great Crested Flycatcher

Lots of bird activity at Presque Isle State Park yesterday. (Weather: mostly cloudy, warm/humid; generally bad for photography.) Notable activity: Oriole in multiple locations (definitely Baltimore, maybe Orchard); Thrush (Veery, Wood, & Hermit @ Sidewalk Trail); Great Crested Flycatcher & Least Flycatcher; & Warbler, esp. along east end of Sidewalk Trail (American Redstart, Palm, Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Black-and-white, Common Yellowthroat, Black-throated Blue, Northern Parula, etc.) Here’s some content from a very quick walk (20+ min.) along the Pine Tree Trail, starting with Great Crested Flycatcher, first for 2024:

Also two lovely male Magnolia Warbler:

And finally, finally a couple decent shots of Gray Catbird!