7/4 (Part II)

Part II of lots of photos from Gull Point on July 4th, at Presque Isle State Park.

Short-billed Dowitcher in flight (DIF)
Dowitcher wading
More DIF I
Lots of Canada Geese on bay-side Lake Erie
Dowitcher landing

Three of beautiful/uncommon Willet backlit against morning sun:

European Starling
Lesser Yellowlegs foraging
Pair of Short-billed Dowitcher
More Yellowlegs I
More Dowitcher profiles I
More Yellowlegs II
More Dowitcher profiles II
Yellowlegs in flight, departing
American Pixie Gulls in flight
Spotted Sandpiper
More Dowitcher profiles III
Dowitchers dowitching
More Dowitcher profiles IV

7/4 (Part I)

Reporting from Presque Isle State Park, it’s Part I of complete coverage of a rather excellent July 4th morning at Gull Point, generally in chronological order:

American Robin I
Eastern Kingbird
American Robin II
GBH @ outer Gull Point
Killdeer on sand
Lesser Yellowlegs x2 in flight
Eastern Kingbird on Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
Spotted Sandpiper on lily pad
Spotted Sandpiper II
Spotted Sandpiper III
Spotted Sandpiper IV

Nice sequence of Killdeer bathing:

Song Sparrow
Backlit Spotted Sandpiper
Barn Swallow

Finally for today, three shots of a beautiful Short-billed Dowitcher:

Give A Screech…

Dateline: 5-6 July 2024

Per the BirdingPI.com organizational charter, any sighting of a “new” owl (i.e., not a recurring sighting) should be followed by an ‘afternoon’ of Presque Isle beach cleanup within 10 business days. Give a screech, clean a beach!TM

Barred Owl, Millcreek Twp, PA (“Gateway to Presque Isle”)

Friday, a surprise daytime sighting of a very gray-coloured Barred Owl (see above – poor quality iPhone photo). Saturday, beach cleanup at Presque Isle State Park:

Real Presque Isle beach garbage

Besides a broken fishing pole and an old stuffed toy or two, the main culprit (not unexpectedly): plastic and lots of it. Mostly single-use plastic bottles, followed by food wrappers, on one of the bay-side beaches near Gull Point.

There’s always room for birding, especially on such a beautiful Saturday, including this great encounter of a gorgeous Red-headed Woodpecker near the park entrance:

Saturday morning @ outer Gull Point

At outer Gull Point itself, not as much unusual activity as July 4th, but still plenty of great sightings, e.g., Lesser & Greater Yellowlegs, Common & Caspian Terns, & Short-billed Dowitcher. Photographs forthcoming. The ‘bird of the day,’ a very unusual sighting of Least Tern, perhaps the first sighting here since 2022:

View north-ish from old observation platform @ 600mm uncropped

On site, thought this very small tern might be a juvenile Common Tern. But after reviewing the literature, no tern chicks match this plumage pattern & colouration. Factors to consider: (i) a classic black tern cap; (ii) yellow legs & pointy yellow beak; (iii) light gray on the wings; (iv) very small; & (v) very distinctive and well-delineated black eye stripe = Least Tern.

Bird looking down – view of black cap
Front view I
Note eye stripe and yellow bill

Side views showing eye stripe & yellow, pointy bill:

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Coming up soon, more birds!

Kestrel @ The “Park”

Recent shots of several beautiful American Kestrel in an essentially abandoned industrial/field-y/woody area in Lawrence Park Township, Erie County, PA:

Apparently napping

Interesting concurrent sighting of what appears to be an Amazon drone delivery under their new Prime Same-DayTM fish delivery service:

[Editor’s note: one section of the post above may contain satirical content. Although, that is a really big fish!]

On A Lark

From a few days ago, a great, not-too-common sighting of beautiful Eastern Meadowlark in an abandoned grassy lot in Lawrence Park Township, PA:

Happy 4th!

Wishing folks in the United States of America a happy Independence Day!

Flags outside Waldameer Park on 4th of July

No better way to spend the holiday than birding at Presque Isle State Park, especially with “A+” conditions at Gull Point. Quick edits of some preliminary shots from this morning:

American Avocet
Short-billed Dowitcher
Dowitcher in flight
3 backlit Willets
Lesser Yellowlegs
More Dowitcher I
More Dowitcher II
Spotted Sandpiper
Dowitcher landing
Blurry Avocet (l) & Willet (r)
Amazing American Avocet
Avocet & Willet in flight
Whimbrel @ bottom middle
Blurry Whimbrel (l) & Willet x3 (r) & gull (far right)
Immature Spotted Sandpiper (no spots)
Killdeer closeup
Least Sandpiper

Attacked By Flies!

Sadly, no fly photographs in this post. It was the Sunday-before-last after the rain, on the Pine Tree Trail: loads of insects, & loads of birds eating said insects. Fun times until the clouds of biting flies appeared near the west trailhead. Bad news when the BirdingPI.com van’s at the east trailhead.

Likes (to eat) biting flies
Also likes (to eat) biting flies
Not so much of a flycatcher
I caught a mayfly!
On the lookout for flying food
Ready to fly (<– get it?)
Not a biting fly, still tasty
Male Eastern Towhee does not appreciate ridicule (‘Squawk’ indeed!)

What to do if attacked by flies at the west Pine Tree Trail trailhead? (i) Retreat to parked vehicle; or (ii) lacking said vehicle, retreat to nearby beach! Here’s a fly-free medley of Ring-billed Gull, Canada Geese on the beach, Spotted Sandpiper, & Herring Gull. Not fly-free generally, rather insect fly-free. Since there are birds flying.

Thankfully, not a biting fly

[Photo Editor’s note: shot above, + three below of flying gulls = all Herring Gull.]

Big gull = Herring Gull

Once at the beach (by Pine Tree Trail west trailhead), easy, pleasant walk back to the east trailhead, mostly sans flies. Plus leisurely time to ‘enjoy’ the entrance to Budny Beach, and bunnies!

Fewer biting flies in this area
Cute bunnies >> biting flies

Erie County, PA weather forecast looks good for the 4th of July holiday & following weekend. (Perhaps some rain Friday afternoon/evening.) Wishing everyone happy nature/birding!

Back To Gull Point (II)

More pictures from the same recent, early-morning outing to Gull Point as yesterday’s post:

Sunrise over Presque Isle Bay
Red-winged Blackbird (m)
Bonaparte’s Gulls, a Scaup, & an American Crow
Barn Swallow

Very surprised to see a pair of Mute Swans fly across outer Gull Point from the south, apparently heading north over Lake Erie towards Canada:

Heading north to Canada?

Canada Geese at the point I
Canada Geese at the point II

Nice sequence of Common Tern flying and dive fishing:

View of outer Gull Point generally south
Song Sparrow I
View of outer Gull Point generally SW–ish towards Erie
Song Sparrow II
View of outer Gull Point west-ish towards Thompson Bay
Yellow Warbler I
View of old observation platform from new observation platform
Yellow Warbler II
Rope trail, etc.
Yellow Warbler III
View of outer Gull Point generally E/NE

On the way back, Mute Swans spotted in Thompson Bay. Since the first pair seemed to be heading north, perhaps a second pair:

Back To Gull Point (I)

Sometimes at Gull Point it’s just a Canada Goose or two and maybe a Ring-billed Gull. Other times, like yesterday afternoon, you get not only an amazing Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron w/ fish

but a Marbled Godwit, too:

Marbled Godwit

More shots of these lovely birds coming up, if the photo editor ever shows up for work.

Meanwhile, another early morning at Presque Isle State Park, from a week or two ago:

Sunrise w/ clouds over Presque Isle Bay
Yellow Warbler duo
One female Yellow Warbler
Cloudy post-sunrise over Budny Beach

Good time of year for seeing beautiful Cedar Waxwing:

At the outer Gull Point tree line, a Red-winged Blackbird (top) and Common Grackle (bottom):

Canada Geese off Gull Point
Song Sparrow
Immature European Starling on rope trail
More Song Sparrow
Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper in flight
More Yellow Warbler
More Song Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird (f) I
Starling on rope
Song Sparrow on ground
Red-winged Blackbird (f) II
More Yellow Warbler II
Green Heron in tree
More Yellow Warbler III
House Wren
Hedge Bindweed (Calystegia sepium roseata)
Gray Catbird!
Willow Flycatcher or similar
More Gray Catbird!

Iridescent Birds

Some “lost-and-found” shots from Presque Isle State Park back in March, featuring ‘bright-light iridescent birds,” namely Bufflehead & Common Grackle. Bufflehead iridescence fairly subtle around the neck:

Common Grackle most noticeable on the head, but even the wing/body feathers ‘pop’ in sunlight: