Weather was on-and-off hazy Saturday, 25 Sept 2021. Still windy, with regular rain and warm temps, especially overnight. Good hiking on the interior PI trails, but mostly quiet in terms of bird activity.

Weather was on-and-off hazy Saturday, 25 Sept 2021. Still windy, with regular rain and warm temps, especially overnight. Good hiking on the interior PI trails, but mostly quiet in terms of bird activity.
Trail conditions were generally ok over the weekend, but wetter/muddier than the last week or two due to recent overnight storms. Gull Point old outer trail now flooded and impassible without getting wet/muddy. Of note, the SE trailhead of the Long Pond Trail is dry enough to get by ok as far as the pond – thanks to whoever put down the makeshift logs to get past the main wet spot.
A-Trail – passable, muddy
Pine Tree Trail – good condition
Graveyard Pond Trail – passable, muddy
Long Pond Trail (SE trailhead) – passable, muddy; overgrown
Long Pond Trail (NW trailhead) – flooded
Sidewalk Trail (SE trailhead) – good condition
Sidewalk Trail (NW trailhead) – good condition
Marsh Trail – passable, muddy
Ridge Trail – good condition
Boat Landing 3 trail – good condition
Boat Landing 4 trail – good condition
Dead Pond Trail (northern section) – passable, muddy
Gull Point old trail (inner) – flooded
Gull Point old trail (outer) – flooded
Thompson Bay access points – good condition
19-20 Sept 2021. Presque Isle update.
Outer portion of the old Gull Point trail was muddy in spots, but passable in boots without special effort (e.g., no waders needed). Emphasis on ‘muddy,’ however. Particular activity in Northern Flicker, Bald Eagle, Yellow Warbler, Robin, Grey Catbird, and the smaller Flycatchers. Plenty of Double-crested Cormorant and Canadian Geese migratory activity out at the point. Shorebird sightings included Semipalmated Plover, Killdeer, and Yellowlegs (Lesser?) at the point, and Solitary Sandpiper on the bay side.