Dateline: 23 Oct 2021

Mostly another soggy weekend in the greater Erie, PA area, including Presque Isle State Park. Saturday it rained and rained again. Our intrepid reporters ventured forth regardless, but more to combat cabin fever than in hopes of spotting the next Elegant Trogon. (Admittedly, this is unlikely in Erie County even in the best of times.) Photography conditions were rainy and gloomy, with correspondingly uneven results.

As a preview, Sunday dawned wet but clear. With the short break in the weather, a Birding, expeditionary force was launched to hike out to Gull Point, in full ‘wet foot’ regalia (e.g., rubber boots). Conditions were mixed; full report to follow. Until then, a trail condition update:
Pine Tree Trail: muddy in spots but easily passable
Sidewalk Trail: good condition
Gull Point beach trail: good condition
Gull Point mud flat trail to Observation Platform: muddy but easily passable
Gull Point ‘old trail,’ inner section: flooded; passable with rubber boots; overall, overgrown and not recommended
Gull Point ‘old trail,’ middle section: impassible, as usual
Gull Point ‘old trail,’ outer section: flooded; passable with rubber boots
The following are from around Millcreek Township: