A beautiful day Saturday for birding and photography at Presque Isle State Park. Mostly sunny, warm, light to moderate wind. Other than bicyclists, not that many people out. Still plenty of mosquitoes, though – looking forward to the first hard freeze.
Hiked a loop of the Sidewalk Trail (Presque Isle Lighthouse trailhead) to the Marsh Trail to the Ridge Trail (north section) to the Fox Trail back to the lighthouse. All trails passable but muddy in places. Light/moderate bird activity – mostly Kinglets, Warblers, and Sparrows.

Next, over to the Pine Tree Trail (good condition), which was literally hopping with activity: Jays, Kinglets, Warblers, Woodpeckers, Juncos, Crows, Mallards, Wood Ducks, Great Egret, Brown Creepers, White-breasted Nuthatch, Sparrows, etc. Depending on the weather, season, and time-of-day, the Pine Tree Trail can be sleepy, but times like this show why it’s a PI classic. Great day for enjoying this narrow strip of old pine woods.