Happy Veterans’ Day!

Impression of Bald Eagle

Thank you to everyone who ever served in the armed forces in service of this great country, including my dear father (go Air Force)!

Today was an official BirdingPI.com holiday. Staff did what they usually do on a holiday, however, which is go birding. BirdingPI.com unofficial motto: “underpaid and underworked.”

Conditions at Presque Isle State Park were less than ideal – windy and hazy turning to overcast. Still, Canadian Geese, light Sparrow activity, Brown Creepers, White-breasted Nuthatch, etc. Generally in the area (including Millcreek Township), lots of Blue Jay, Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, and Tufted Titmouse activity. Very little in the way of Gulls or Ducks. Of special note, however, were a pair of mature Bald Eagles along the Long Pond Trail. They flew away immediately, hence minimal photos, but it was great to see them far up in the sky on a day like this, even if only between the trees/branches.

Chipping Sparrow
GBH, Long Pond
Brown Creeper!
Tufted Titmouse


Weekend Update. Dateline 6-7 November 2021.

After seeming weeks of rain and clouds, Erie was blessed with a weekend of sunny, cool, dry weather – yay! Beautiful weather for getting outside to Presque Isle State Park for a bit of birding/hiking/photography, + enjoying the fall color.

Bird activity was moderate, but what was lacking in quantity was made up for in quality. Saturday, the Birding, PI.com team trekked the A Trail, the Dead Pond trail to Thompson Circle, the park road to the Pine Tree Trail, the Pine Tree Trail (east to west), and the dirt road that parallels the beach back to the A Trail trailhead picnic area.

First up, along the Dead Pond Trail between the A Trail and the B Trail, was a surprise group of Wild Turkeys, maybe 5-6 birds in total. Either these Turkeys weren’t paying much attention, or didn’t care, because unusually, they hung out near the trail for a good 5-10 minutes, poking around in the detritus. Fun to get a close look while they foraged.

Turkeys along the Dead Pond Trail, Presque Isle State Park

Wild Turkey
Another Wild Turkey
Golden-crowned Kinglet in action
Golden-crowned Kinglet

In the marshy, sort-of open area between just before the B Trail, we almost missed seeing the ‘bird of the weekend,’ a lovely Barred Owl (!) Frankly, owl sightings are rare enough to be a cause for celebration, but this one was quite the modeling subject, e.g., didn’t immediately fly away.

Obscured by leaves

As can be seen in the picture above, even at 500mm this owl is hard to see. Even harder at different angles, with plain eyesight. (Goes to show, it pays to continually scan nearby trees for “bird shapes,” just in case.)

Barred Owl, Dead Pond Trail

Since its face was obscured, our intrepid photographer crawled into the grass, just as far as needed for a lower angle view. Fortunately, it seemed unconcerned and undisturbed. After a few snapshots, we slunk back to the trail, leaving this lovely fellow or lady to its daytime nap.

Barred Owl
WowL (!)

Further east along the Dead Pond Trail, a pair of Red-tail Hawks.

Red-tail Hawks
Downy Woodpecker, Dead Pond Trail
GBH, Thompson Bay ponds, from road
Downy Woodpecker, Pine Tree Trail

A-Trail: Passable; wet spot treacherous over log “bridge”

Dead Pond Trail, between A Trail and B Trail: very flooded in spots but passable

Dead Pond Trail, east: good condition

Pine Tree Trail: good condition

Thompson Bay trails: muddy but passable

Sidewalk Trail, west end: good condition

Sidewalk Trail, east end: muddy but passable

Ridge Trail (east portion): good condition

Marsh Trail: flooded, muddy. Passable from Sidewalk Trail to the culvert/open low spot that connects the two sections of marsh, which is flooded and impassible without getting wet or wearing rubber boots

Soggy Birds

Too much rain. Can’t remember the last day without rain. Starting to feel bad for our bird friends. No more rain, please.

Soggy Vulture

This Turkey Vulture was on the same branch, on the same tree, outside BirdingPI.com HQ, all day long in the rain. Finally, just wanted to buy it a North Face fleece and hot cup of coffee.

Soggy Blackbirds
Soggy Red-tailed Hawk
Uh oh… We’ve been spotted
That guy with the camera. I hate that guy.
Soggy Hawk flight, part 1
Soggy Hawk flight, part 2

Nikon D850 with Nikkor 500mm f5.6 pf lens. Exposure compensation +3.0 to compensate for backlit/overcast skies.

Weekend Update

Dateline: 30-31 October 2021

It was a rough weekend at Presque Isle State Park, for birding, bird photography, or anything else for that matter. Blustery and overcast Saturday, rainy Sunday AM followed by windy and partially cloudy conditions in the afternoon. Despite the poor conditions, BirdingPI.com launched targeted, limited expeditions to keep you informed (!)

Marsh Trail (intersection with Sidewalk Trail): flooded, impassible without rubber boots or the like

Sidewalk Trail: good condition; muddy in spots, easily passible

Dead Pond Trail (west/north section): very muddy, passible

“A” Trail: passible, although dodgy over the slick downed branch ‘bridge’ over the swampy portion

Pine Tree Trail: good condition

Thompson Bay trails: good condition, muddy in spots

Long Pond Trail (north/west section): flooded, impassible

Long Pond Trail (south/east section): flooded, muddy, but passible with care

Birds on Rocks

Saturday, the initial intent was to survey the Marsh Trail. Turned out it was overtly flooded on the Sidewalk Trail side; lacking proper equipment, we pivoted to the nearby Dead Pond Trail. This section of the Dead Pond Trail was muddy and flooded, but easily passible overall without too much effort. Very little bird activity. From the A Trail, we transitioned to the nearby beach, following the tree line and dunes towards the Presque Isle lighthouse. (Watch out for ticks!) Plenty of activity with Sparrows, Golden-crowned Kinglets, Nuthatches, Jays, etc. Later, brief excursions along the Pine Tree Trail, etc.

White-breasted Nuthatch with nut (in tree line east of Presque Isle lighthouse along beach)
Hoppin’ (Golden-crowned Kinglet)
Dark-eyed Junco
Red bird, Sidewalk Trail
Downy Woodpecker, Sidewalk Trail
White-throated Sparrow
Birds (White-throated Sparrow and Downy Woodpecker)
Must say, these White-throated Sparrows are very photogenic. Like Keanu Reeves.
Winner: best photo of the weekend
White-throated Sparrow (black gum tree)

Special Guest Stars

BirdingPI.com’s staff photographers spring into action regardless of subject matter. The following are recent sightings at Presque Isle State Park in the “not a wild bird” category.

“I’m Alright”
Along the Pine Tree Trail
The buck stops here

The following are from the Duck Pond (appropriately enough) of what appears to be an escaped American Pekin, probably male, and a female Mallard. Congratulations to the happy couple!


Tick Check

Presque Isle State Park, despite the signs, is not a hotbed of tick activity (at least not in our experience despite many hours in the brush). Cavorting about the grass and shrubbery this past weekend, however = numerous close encounters. Keep an eye out!

Weekend Update

Dateline: 23 Oct 2021

Soggy Gull

Mostly another soggy weekend in the greater Erie, PA area, including Presque Isle State Park. Saturday it rained and rained again. Our intrepid reporters ventured forth regardless, but more to combat cabin fever than in hopes of spotting the next Elegant Trogon. (Admittedly, this is unlikely in Erie County even in the best of times.) Photography conditions were rainy and gloomy, with correspondingly uneven results.

Soggy Mallards

As a preview, Sunday dawned wet but clear. With the short break in the weather, a Birding, PI.com expeditionary force was launched to hike out to Gull Point, in full ‘wet foot’ regalia (e.g., rubber boots). Conditions were mixed; full report to follow. Until then, a trail condition update:

Pine Tree Trail: muddy in spots but easily passable

Sidewalk Trail: good condition

Gull Point beach trail: good condition

Gull Point mud flat trail to Observation Platform: muddy but easily passable

Gull Point ‘old trail,’ inner section: flooded; passable with rubber boots; overall, overgrown and not recommended

Gull Point ‘old trail,’ middle section: impassible, as usual

Gull Point ‘old trail,’ outer section: flooded; passable with rubber boots

The following are from around Millcreek Township:

Cardinal in the rain
White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
And again…
Junco in there somewhere…
Wet Woodpecker (Red-bellied)
More Cardinal
Junco and Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
Some sort of Thrush 🙂
More Sparrows and Juncos
House Sparrow
House Sparrow, again
House Sparrow, yet again
Blue Jay

Turkey, ME

Lots of Wild Turkey around the outskirts of Erie. (And not the fine Kentucky whiskey, although I’m sure there’s plenty of that, too.) You can see them occasionally on Presque Isle as individuals or small groups, but more often further inland, crossing yards and roads where it’s a mix of woodlands, open or abandoned farmland, and scattered residential. This year, we’ve had impressively large flocks – 24-26+ individuals.

(Crappy video curtesy of Apple iPhone 7.)

And… We’re Back…

Dateline: 17 Oct 2021

With another rainy weekend, finally had time to go through snapshots from the other weekend, from an hour+ along the Pine Tree Trail at Presque Isle State Park. Conditions were challenging, with wind and heavy, transient cloud, i.e., spotty sunlight. Still, plenty of bird activity towards the SE trailhead, and the results, frankly, were rather nice – as Hannibal from the A-Team says, “I love it when a plan comes together!” (Mostly Nikon D7500 + Nikkor 200-500mm f5.6, plus whatever other dodgy gear the rest of the team was using.)

Birding, PI Mystery

What is this bird? Inquiring minds want to know. Initial thoughts revolved around a juvenile White-crowned Sparrow. Subsequent research suggests a juvenile Chipping Sparrow. Think on it, but whatever it is, it’s lovely!

Chipping Sparrow
Another Birding, PI mystery!

The Chipping Sparrow above is no mystery, but as luck would have it there was a bit of quality Thrush activity flirting about the Pine Tree Trail. We’re thinking the above could be a Swainson’s Thrush (russet-backed) – note the buffy eyering and overall coloring. In any event, happy to see it.

Gull flyover

Another Chipping Sparrow
In flight
Ruby-crowned Kinglet?
And again…
Take off
More Kinglet
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Red-breasted Nuthatch – yay!
and two (Black-capped Chickadee)
Bringin’ it on home

Another Weekend Update

Bad weekend mid-October 2021 for birding or bird photography. Localized rain and then general overcast Friday. Heavy rain early AM Saturday into the PM, also very windy. Bad day for going outside generally. Sunday featured heavy clouds and intermittent sun, plenty windy, with light thunderstorms in the afternoon.

Still, despite the poor conditions, the intrepid staff of BirdingPI.com made it out to Presque Isle State Park a couple times between rain storms. Bird activity was localized but lively – plenty of Sparrows, Kinglets, common Warblers, Jays, Woodpeckers, etc., plus a special guest or two.

White-throated Sparrow, Dead Pond Trail (south/east end). Lovely.

What is the bird immediately below? What it is, is a real Birding, PI mystery. Signs suggest a juvenile/young male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Note the head coloring, varied back, and bold white and black wing sections. Comments/suggestions welcome.

Juvenile Yellow-bellied Sapsucker? (Dead Pond Trail)
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Dead Pond Trail
Yellow-rumped Warbler, juvenile, Dead Pond Trail
Probably a Hermit Thrush, Dead Pond Trail
More Sparrow, Dead Pond Trail
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Dead Pond Trail
Even more Sparrow, Dead Pond Trail

Meanwhile, off the Long Pond Trail…

GBH going open kimono, Long Pond

The Long Pond Trail is one of the great short birding trails at Presque Isle State Park, IMHO BirdingPI.com editorial staff. Swamp boundary, mature forest, mixed/open forest, and open pond view. Below, we have what is perhaps the largest Pileated Woodpecker ever seen (by us) – “What is that, a roasting chicken?” Scale is hard to gauge since this fine feathered friend was very high up in a huge oak tree, but we hope you enjoy the snapshots, such as they are.

Pileated Woodpecker, Long Pond Trail (that bokeh’s makin’ me woozeh)
Pileated Woodpecker, Long Pond Trail
Pileated Woodpecker, Long Pond Trail