Fishing Update

Komatsu WA270 mid-sized wheel loader, from Graveyard Pond Trail

Dateline: 14-17 January 2022

Leading up to the weekend, access to Presque Isle State Park remained limited, with the loop road closed for construction just past the Perry Monument area (heading counter-clockwise). Generally cold and overcast.

Quite surprised to see a lovely Belted Kingfisher out-and-about, taking advantage of a spot of open water on the Lagoon (aka Graveyard Pond) for a bit of fishing. All shots at a considerable distance from the Graveyard Pond Trail, but you get the idea.

Belted Kingfisher, on bridge by Perry Monument
Kingfisher dive
Kingfisher dive II
And, out of the water
Takeoff with tidbit
Kingfisher in flight, post fishing dive
Kingfisher with fish (detail), heavily cropped/enlarged

Elsewhere, herons on ice:

GBH on Long Pond

Moving on to the weekend. Saturday. Saturday at Presque Isle State Park was an unmitigated birding disaster. It happens. First clue: high temperature of 15 deg F or thereabouts. Just not pleasant. Second clue: “trails in your mirror are less frozen than they appear.” (Reader advisory: despite appearances, the Marsh Trail is not frozen over. Reader advisory, part 2: damp socks in 15 deg F weather are not pleasant.) Third clue: snow-covered surfaces may obscure slippery surfaces.


Ah, yes, the “Ye ol’ Presque Isle slip-and-fall.” Fortunately, no injuries, other than the demise of a mid-level B&W UV filter and a Nikon lens hood. The takeaway: lens hood + protective filter = crumple zone.

Moving back to happier topics, Sunday dawned clear and very cold, but with a forecast of sunny skies and reasonable temps into the afternoon (ahead of the big storm) — time to break out the backup equipment (Nikon D7500, etc.) As it happens, in the category of “Presque Isle giveth and Presque Isle taketh away,” after a bad Saturday, Sunday, frankly, was rather amazing. Stay tuned for a detailed report in the next post! (Preview: Ducks. Lots of ducks. Plus lots of other Birds. Plus Gull Point. Wow!)

Gull Point! Part Deux

Swan Lake! Part Deux

As NW Pennsylvania transitions to “real winter,” New Year’s Eve day (2021) seems like a dream. Just a magical day at Presque Isle State Park and Gull Point in particular, the kind of day that makes one happy to be alive, in Erie, and “into” birding/the outdoors. No hyperbole.

The day started partially cloudy but “warm,” i.e., above freezing. Keeping an eye on the lighting, and realizing another opportunity to expand the “annual New Year’s if conditions permit Gull Point informal survey,” the team was dispatched to arrive at Budny Beach just before noon. A few folks were out for a walk or picnicking, but once headed east along the beach, Gull Point was empty of humans. At least initially. (No offense to humans, but it’s good for birding.) Temps in the 40’s (deg F), and then the sun came out, fully. Even if only for an hour – wow. Mild, sunny, bright! Just like Florida, less invasive pythons and over-sized lizards. (Zing.)

First up, the lake was calm as glass. Tundra Swans spotted far offshore. (See above.) Then ducks, here and there:

Scaup lake

Very little other bird activity until arriving at Gull Point proper. Immediately, noticed what appeared to be a small raptor flying from the beach, south towards the back bay. Trying to keep an eye on it, noticed it quickly returned back towards the beach:

Peregrine Falcon in flight, Gull Point

It soon alighted on a driftwood branch, at which point it was clear it was last week’s Peregrine Falcon, or at least a friend or relative. But with better lighting!

Perched Peregrine

Slowly, the team “snuck” across the dunes and grass, hoping for closer observation. (Snuck in quotes because no one’s fooling a Peregrine Falcon. Still, you hope for the best.)

Preening Peregrine

It seemed unconcerned about the human presence, so after getting within 20-25 feet (6-8 meters) or so, it was time to just stop and enjoy. Plus take a few pictures, of course. What a lovely, amazing bird.

Peregrine Falcon on driftwood log, Gull Point (Presque Isle State Park)
Peregrine Falcon, Gull Point

[Editor’s note: not sure the blog post does these photos justice, so we’ll call it quits here and post additional falcon shots via a ‘special report’ on the main page. See “Falcon Crest.”]

After some hikers arrived, the falcon flew to another spot on the beach, then further along to another spot, then off back towards the interior. Conditions were clouding up slightly anyway, so time to slowly head back to Budny Beach, mission accomplished.

Scaups and Common Mergansers, Gull Point
Bufflehead on the back bay
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Raft of ducks far out on the lake (Scaups, perhaps Redheads also)

Raft. (n.) Group of ducks floating on the water.

Song Sparrow?
Swans again
Canadian Geese heading south, in the distance

And with the geese bringing it on home, time for the official unofficial count:


Peregrine Falcon

Greater Scaup


Downy Woodpecker (m & f)

Common Merganser

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Song Sparrow

American Tree Sparrow

Northern Cardinal (m & f)

White-throated Sparrow

Tundra Swan

Canadian Geese

Ring-billed Gull

Herring Gull


Red-winged Blackbird (f)

Did we forget any? In any event, looks like 17 species!

Swans On Ice

Dateline: 6-9 January 2022

Ring-necked Ducks, Long Pond

First, some context with the Erie, PA weather: snow overnight Thursday and all day Friday. Saturday, clear initially, passing high clouds late AM, then clear in the afternoon; cold, in the 20’s. Beautiful day, but with a light breeze, brutally chilly for bird photography, at least in the morning. (“ is here to suffer for you.”) Sunday, temps in the 30’s, rain and freezing rain. Some ice on the ponds and back bay.

It’s now cold enough for the camera equipment to act up. Nikon does not respond well to sub-freezing temps. (“Nikon!!!!” – In the Jerry Seinfeld “Newman!” voice.) Lens auto-focus seems to work ok when it’s active, but there’s typically a focus and/or shooting delay, especially in terms of multiple successive shots. Thus, you can expect one shot and then after that, it’s ‘hope for the best,’ or just wait a few seconds.

Anyway. … Highly localized but wonderful bird activity on Saturday – report to follow. In the meantime, here are some snapshots from the last week generally, all at Presque Isle State Park.

Waterfowl on Long Pond

Picture above: American Widgeon in the middle/bottom, to the left is a Canadian Goose or two, Mallard (m) to the far left, Ring-necked Ducks to the right and upper.

Mostly the ducks are skittish and take flight quickly. We don’t like to disturb any birds unnecessarily, but it’s either that or don’t bother birding. (The “I come in peace” sign does not work.)

Following are two versions of the same shot on Long Pond, just after the shots above:

Duck escape v1
Duck escape v2
American Widgeon and other ducks, Long Pond
Ring-necked Duck takeoff, Long Pond
Hooded Merganser (m) – middle
Ducks directly overhead
Another takeoff
Gull array 2

Finally (!), Tundra Swans on ice:

Gull curling
Swans on ice
Ice capades
Gulls reprise
Buffleheads, Marina Lake (by East Pier)
Pre-flight checklist

Weekend Update

Dateline: 3 January 2022

Still going through the 31 December 2021 “Gull Point Survey Part 2” pics – lots of great stuff – hence a delay on the weekend update.

Saturday and Sunday were out of commission due to bad weather. Monday (official New Year’s Day holiday) was partly cloudy but brutally cold in the wind – big downturn in temps into the low 20’s (deg F). Still, for us Presque Isle birding stalwarts, not a bad day for being out.

On a preliminary note, all trails remain muddy/icy/flooded, where applicable. The loop road (Thompson Drive/Peninsula Drive) has been closed all week, just past the Lagoon boat launch if you’re heading counter-clockwise.

Generally, lots of waterfowl activity, as expected for this time of year – Mallards, Mergansers, Scaups, Ring-necked Ducks, Swans, Geese, and a guest star or two.

Mallard takeoff, near Feather Observation Platform
Ring-billed Gulls, near Feather Observation Platform
Mallards hunkered down in the cold, Long Pond
And a Goose
Ring-necked Ducks in flight over Long Pond
And a Goose
Tundra Swans in the distance, Long Pond

The amazing birding tidbit of the day involved sighting a huge number of GBH in coordinated flight around the Long Pond area. We’ve seen loose groups of 6-8 GBH flying in concert, generally south, apparently migrating or otherwise relocating. This, however, might have been 18-24 birds, unprecedented in our experience, taking flight from Long Pond heading north, presumably to a different spot on Presque Isle. Due to tree coverage on the Long Pond Trail, unable to get any pictures showing the full scope of this event, but here’s one showing six of the birds in question. Really amazing.

GBH mass event, Long Pond

Back to ducks:

Lots of ducks, Long Pond
Swans and ducks
Really, there’s lots of ducks
Tundra Swans reprise

Later, back on Lake Erie, the first confirmed sighting of Common Goldeneye this season:

Common Goldeneye, Lake Erie
Common Goldeneye – note the head color, mostly black bill with white tip, and, of course, distinctive eye color. Kind of a golden eye color.
Northeast view along Lake Erie, from Presque isle State Park

Escape to Gull Point

Dateline: 26 December 2021

With reasonably good if unspectacular weather in the Erie, PA area on Boxing Day (e.g., mostly cloudy, moderate wind, moderate temps), it was time for’s “annual New Year if conditions permit” informal survey of Gull Point! Not many folks out ‘early’ (11am-ish); contrariwise, numerous groups spotted in the afternoon for a ‘work off the Christmas calories’ hike.

Time for a Fight Club joke? First rule of ‘informal survey:’ you don’t talk about informal survey. Ok, stupid, but the real rule is counting species seen from Budny Beach to Gull Point, including lake, back bay, ground, and air.

Crow, Presque Isle State Park

First up, a Crow at Pine Tree Beach. Outside the hit zone; however, other Crows were later seen at the Budny Beach parking area. …

Not much activity along the beach out to the Point. (Beach trail generally in good condition.) Upon arriving closer to the observation platform, however, lo and behold, an amazing Peregrine Falcon. (Bird of the bi-month!)

Peregrine Falcon, Gull Point observation platform

Not the world’s most uncommon raptor, but not a previous sighting (at Presque Isle) for As such, a momentous and happy event.

Absolutely beautiful

Unlike most local raptors (hello skittish Bald Eagles), this falcon seemed fairly mellow; as such, able to get reasonably close (20 feet?)

Briefly distracted by passing ducks:

Hey, wait for me! (Common Mergansers)

If you’re wondering about the ID, behold the miracle of modern photography. Note the sharp contrast between very dark head and white neck.

Then, back to the falcon:

After some quality observation time, skipped going up the observation platform to leave this lovely bird in peace. (It flew away when a group with kids arrived later.)

With the entire Gull Point area open for access December – March (i.e., non-nesting season), time to walk around the outer beach for observing ducks on the bay:

Greater Scaups

We’re calling these as Greater Scaups due to the head shape (rounded, lower), but hard to say for sure, vs. Lesser Scaups, at this distance. Greater, Lesser, who are we to judge? They’re all great.

Scaups landing
Getting your ducks in a row

Plus at least one Redhead, since, well, it’s got a red head:

Redhead, enlargement

After walking the outer beach, it was time to head inland along the ‘old trail:’

Ducks and Gull Point observation platform, from “old trail’ area

Not much activity inland until crossing back over to the beach along one of the informal connector trails. There, quite surprised to see a bevy of birds, e.g., Yellow-rumped Warbler, Northern Cardinal (m & f), Downy Woodpeckers (m & f), various Sparrows, etc.

Yellow-rumped Warbler, Gull Point area
Two Yellow-rumped Warblers
Downy Woodpecker
Song Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird (f)
White-throated Sparrow, immature (?)

The following is a bad shot (obviously), but it’s included for ID purposes. Calling it as an American Tree Sparrow, based the rufous crown, rufous eyeline, grey facial coloration, and bold wing bars:

American Tree Sparrow
Downy Woodpecker (m)

Normally it’d be time for the species count and wrap-up. Not this year! New Year’s Eve day (31 December 2021) turned out to be a gorgeous day, at least for an hour mid-day, at least for Erie. Spent another few hours out at Gull Point, with some amazing Peregrine Falcon time. Stay tuned for “Part 2!” Wow!

Happy New Year

Dateline: 31 December 2021 – 1 January 2022

Wishing everyone a happy New Year and a great/healthy 2022!

In the “late Christmas miracle” category, had an hour of sunny weather in Erie yesterday. (Enough to launch another glorious expedition out to Gull Point – report to follow.) Otherwise, the weather continues its streak of seasonable gloom coupled with unseasonable warmth. Rain overnight, heavy fog today, no snow; other than the short days, feels like spring.

Anyway, enough about the weather! What better way to kick off 2022 than with Pileated Woodpeckers!!! Pairs were spotted in Millcreek Township (“Gateway to Presque Isle State Park”) both Friday and Saturday in different, but nearby locations.

Pileated Woodpeckers, Millcreek Twp
The Joker and Robin

No pictures from Saturday since it was foggy and overcast, but here’s an audio clip (captured using iPhone ChirpOMatic app) of a Pileated Woodpecker call (Millcreek Twp, 1 Jan 2022)(you’ll have to turn the volume way up):

Weekend Update

Dateline: 24-27 December, 2021

“Road Closed.” 27 December 2021

Long weekend at, with Friday and Monday as official holidays. Friday’s covered in the Christmas post, Christmas day was rained out, Sunday’s the subject of the forthcoming Gull Point survey, which leaves Monday, 27 December 2021. Weather: overcast with periodic rain.

First, a road closure to report at Presque Isle State Park. As of mid-day Monday, the main road (aka ‘loop road,’ Peninsula Dr, or Thompson Dr) was closed between the south turnoff to the Coast Guard Station/North Pier and the turnaround just past the bay-side Sidewalk Trail trailhead, traveling counter-clockwise. Past the former, crews were spotted working on the sewer/water line installation project.

Not a great day, weather-wise, for birding or bird photography, but the rain let up long enough for a few snapshots:

GBH, Duck Pond
Gull over Long Pond in front of PI comm tower
Gull landing on Long Pond
GBH low in flight over Long Pond
Mallards, Graveyard Pond (i.e., Lagoons)
Turkey road II, by the Lagoons boat ramp

Tuesday dawned partially clear and cold, turning to overcast later in the day and light snow early evening. Nevertheless, lots of interesting bird activity, e.g., a quick morning reconnoiter in Millcreek Twp included confirmed sightings of Mourning Dove, Crow, Cedar Waxwing, Pileated Woodpecker, Robin, Dark-eyed Junco, Downy Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, and Red-tailed Hawk.

Swan Lake

Sunday (26 December 2021) was the “annual around New Year’s Gull Point informal survey if conditions permit,” and boy, there was a lot of excitement out at Gull Point. Some of which even involved birds. Still trying to process the information overload; in the meantime, as promised, it’s time for Swans and more!

Tundra Swans, Thompson Bay, Presque Isle State Park, 19 December 2021, very long distance shot across the bay
Swans dabbling

Dabbling (noun). Re. waterfowl. Water surface feeding, or feeding by tipping headfirst into water to graze on aquatic edibles. [Source:]

Tunnel of love
Pyrrhuloxia, near Thompson Bay

(Don’t worry, just a birding joke.)

Later, between the Pine Tree Trail west trailhead and Beach No. 9, Wild Turkeys partook of fresh hay recently applied over the water/sewer line installation corridor along the road. (Pictures taken from vehicle. Photos were somewhat fuzzy due to gear acting up – temp changes? Camera settings issue?)

Turkey road
Doesn’t like hay seed

Back on Lake Erie, spotted what appears to be our lovely Mallard/Pekin couple, near Presque Isle Lighthouse. Glad they’re hanging in there through hunting season!

Later, on a sunnier day:

White-breasted Nuthatch, near Thompson Bay

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge the cuteness/artistic symmetry of the previous picture. The management thanks you for your cooperation.

Gulls, South Pier

Still later, back at HQ at sunset:

Red-tailed Hawk, Millcreek Twp

Still later again, on an unsunny day:

Ducks in flight over Long Pond, Presque Isle State Park
More ducks in flight over Long Pond
A short study of ducks in flight
Swan pond
Canadian Geese and Tundra Swans, Long Pond

No better way to end such a wide-ranging post than with a Brown Creeper, spotted 22 December 2021 near Beach No. 9 (Pine Tree)(for the record, along with a White-breasted Nuthatch and various Sparrows):

Merry Christmas 2021

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from Erie, PA. Weather conditions: heavy rain overnight, easing up by late morning, turning foggy; unseasonably warm. Confirmed local sightings included Robin and European Starling.

Meanwhile, a much nicer day Christmas Eve (Friday): initially overcast, turning clear, then light overcast/hazy sunshine; unseasonably warm. From Friday:

Red-bellied Woodpecker, Millcreek Twp

Are Red-bellied Woodpeckers our most festive of birds? No. However, best we can do on short notice.

Mild conditions meant lots of folks out at Presque Isle State Park, at least on the paved trails. Hiking trails, where applicable, were still extremely wet/flooded and muddy. dispatched an expeditionary team to survey the Long Pond Trail. This included a very wet traversal of the flooded portion on the east/bay-side end. Muddy, wet, lots of downed trees and storm damage – quite a mess. Recommend avoiding.

Overall, light avian activity – Woodpeckers, Mallards, Geese, Buffleheads, GBH, various Sparrows, etc.

GBH, by Thompson Bay
Downy Woodpecker (m), Sidewalk Trail
Mallards, Long Pond
GBH in a tree, Long Pond (very long distance shot)

Nikon D850 with a Tamron 150-600mm lens

Weekend Update

Dateline: 18-20 December 2021

Not real ducks

Saturday: rain, rain, and more rain; for birding, a total wash. Sunday: overcast, light wind, cold, occasional snow flakes. Not great for photography (bad lighting), but great for birding (ducks, ducks, and more ducks!) Monday: cool, eventually turned mostly sunny; nice day.

Meanwhile, Presque Isle State Park was back to 100% open, although with traffic control (one-way road + stop lights) between the Thompson Circle area and the Budny Beach area. Roads mostly in fine shape, trails muddy and very flooded where applicable. (E.g., Pine Tree Trail east trailhead: totally flooded; Long Pond Trail: totally flooded; Sidewalk Trail bay-side end: totally flooded.)

While the editorial staff continues pouring over Sunday’s pictures, here’s a few snapshots from a sunnier Monday.

Lovely Mallards, near Long Pond

Still plenty of Canadian Geese migrating:

Canadian Geese, Thompson Bay


Seems like it’d be easier to take the beach, but who are we to judge? This trio of deer was spotted swimming/wading towards the Gull Point area:

Deer crossing Thompson Bay

Guess the deer are lucky shotgun deer season is over. For ducks, not out of the woods yet:

Setting decoys, Thompson Bay, north of North Pier Light
White-breasted Nuthatch, near Thompson Bay

Ok, credit where credit’s due, the above’s a nice picture.


Ring-billed Gull, near North Pier
Flying Gull detail

Stayed tuned for Weekend Update Redux, aka “Swan Lake.” Spoiler alert: there’s swans.