From Birds to Bugs

Dateline: May 2022

With peak migration season over, time to enjoy some interesting and beautiful insects out at Presque Isle State Park. (Not to worry, no more tick pics!)

First, a few birds!

Brown-headed Cowbird (f), Thompson Circle
Yellow Warbler (m), Thompson Circle
Red-eyed Vireo, Pine Tree Meadows

Unless stated otherwise, following shots all from Pine Tree Meadows. Pine Tree Meadows is great for seeing diverse insects (and ticks) in a relatively small area.

First, the very tiny but very beautiful Eastern Tailed-blue butterfly:

Cupido comyntas (Eastern Tailed-blue)

Switching to a dragonfly, the amazing Black Saddlebags:

Tramea lacerata (Black Saddlebags)

Picture below seems to be of an immature or female Blue Dasher dragonfly; lots of these around. Note the vertically-striped thorax and horizontally-striped abdomen. See for a nice write-up on dragonflies generally, plus a helpful diagram of anatomy. (No affiliation.)

Pachydiplax longipennis (Blue Dasher), female

Next up, the colorful Common Green Darner:

Anax junius (Common Green Darner)

Photographing dragonflies in the air is harder even than birds. Very erratic flight patterns. Lucky to get even this mediocre shot:

Always great to see another Monarch. Note the white spots on the thorax – distinctive of Monarch relative to other, similar-looking species.

Danaus plexippus (Monarch)

Next, the distinctive Silver-spotted Skipper:

Epargyreus clarus (Silver-spotted Skipper)
Along Pine Tree Trail

Closing this post out with another dragonfly classic, the Twelve-spotted Skimmer. (Don’t worry, more insect shots to follow!) This is likely a female or immature – a mature male would have white spots next to the black spots on the wings.

Libellula pulchella (Twelve-spotted Skimmer), female

Web of Flies

Dateline: May 2022

“Web of snacks?” In any event, while we wait for the weekend update, here’s some recent shots of a Baltimore Oriole partaking of an easy meal. From the Long Pond Trail by its east-end trailhead by the swamp.

Bird In A Tree — the only website bringing you Spotted Sandpiper in a tree!

Bird in a tree
Bird on the ground
More tree/bird
Bird in the air
Even more tree/bird

Weekend update featuring Gull Point and other fun coming soon!


Dateline: May 2022

Hummingbirds: (i) beautiful and (ii) amazing from a bio-mechanics perspective. Here in Erie we get the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Recent shots of a lovely female out at Presque Isle State Park, off the Pine Tree Trail:

Bird ID tip: male would have a ruby- or dark-colored throat.

[Photo Editor’s note: lighting conditions were very shady for these shots, with a low hit rate. Still, pretty good all things considered.]


There’s never too many Canada Geese.

The ultimate indignity

Four portraits of a Canada Goose:


In a row
Rear view
Fresh perspective

Red Head/Misc II

Dateline: Spring 2022

Making progress on the photo dump. More birds! First up, a lovely, adult Red-headed Woodpecker, in Millcreek Twp (“Gateway to Presque Isle”). Note, males and females appear similar.

This one was along the outer old trail towards Gull Point, at Presque Isle:

More misc birds!

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Yellow Warbler (m)
Yellow Warbler (f)
Wood Duck (m)
Swainson’s Thrush – note the buff eye ring
Another Swainson’s Thrush
Brown Thrasher, Sidewalk Trail
Veery, Sidewalk Trail

Misc Bird

Dateline: May 2022

Catching up on overflowing memory cards with some pleasant bird shots from the last month. All at Presque Isle State Park.

Blue-headed Vireo

Wilson’s Warbler, Pine Tree Trail
Blackburnian Warbler
Great Crested Flycatcher, Sidewalk Trail
Warbling Vireo (?) – note lack of wing bars
Chipping Sparrow
Least Flycatcher (?), Pine Tree Trail
Great Crested Flycatcher, Dead Pond Trail Extension
Great Crested Flycatcher
Baltimore Oriole, Long Pond Trail
Blackpoll Warbler, Long Pond Trail
Yellow Warbler, Sidewalk Trail
Northern Cardinal
Gray Catbird!
Chipping Sparrows engaging in mating and nest gathering behavior

[Editor’s note: no more tick posts. Unless we find a new species of tick to share #science #nature.]

Ticks! I hate these guys

Amblyomma americanum (Lone Star Tick)

Well, don’t say you weren’t warned.

Wondering if the Lone Star Tick has made its way to Presque Isle? Wonder no longer! Collected recently from near the Pine Tree Trail.

Reiterating the previous PSA to be on the lookout.

Nikon Z5 with MC/50 2.8 lens. Shown larger than actual size.

[Editor’s note: “Collected” means the ticks find you.]

Park @ No. 10 Budny

Dateline: 21-22 May 2022

Besides being the Gull Point trailhead, the Budny Beach (Beach No. 10) east parking lot is pretty good for birding – partial grass field, surrounded by trees and brush, swamp on one side and the beach on the other. Go early and/or avoid the summer rush days. (“Summer” at Presque Isle = any day over 80 deg F and sunny.)

Some recent shots, starting with lovely male and female American Goldfinch. Happy to finally get a couple ok pictures this season of this lovely bird.

Dude American Goldfinch
Lady American Goldfinch

Surprised to see Eastern Bluebird, on both Saturday and Sunday at this location:

Not a Blue Jay

Rather confused by this bird at first, which has been sighted several times now in the area. (This bird or others like it.) Based on the yellow-orange chest markings and yellow-orange side tail color, with a black/gray head, thinking this is an immature American Redstart:

What is this?

No question on this one – not a great shot (due to the shade), but always happy to see the lovely Black-throated Blue Warbler:

Black and blue

Another non-mystery, a male Magnolia Warbler:

Lovely Magnolia

And back where it started, not enough lemon-yellow birds in the world:
