Dateline: 30 April 2022
National Go Birding Day brought to you by Mountain Dew Code Red(R) soft drink! A cherry burst of flavor, yet so light and refreshing! Code Red(R), how is it so good!?!
Today is National Go Birding Day, or, here at, just another day. Hazy sunshine and cool (mid-50’s deg F) in the greater Erie, Pennsylvania area, so great weather for getting out in nature and great weather for birding at Presque Isle State Park!
Way more folks out with binoculars and giant cameras than usual, so glad to see everyone’s taking advantage of the great conditions! #nature
Multiple expeditions launched to the ‘trifecta,’ namely, the Pine Tree Trail, Gull Point Trail, and the Sidewalk/Ridge Trails. A few shots from each from today while the editorial staff puts together the forthcoming Weekend Update.
First up, the Pine Tree Trail. Rather sleepy overall. Blue-winged Teals, Mallards, and Yellow Warblers spotted on the northside swamp/pond. Here’s a lovely male Mallard with transitional blue/purple/green head coloration:
Lots of interesting birds along the Gull Point Trail, including the first ‘shore birds’ of the season, two Yellowlegs! (Not sure if Lesser or Greater.) But the ‘bird of note’ was a pair of Brown Thrashers in the trees/brush just shy of the tree line on the old trail, close to the roped-off corridor to the Gull Point observation platform:
Note the long tail, russet red back coloration, long, slightly curved beak, bold chest pattern, and distinctive yellow eyes. (Yellow eyes distinguish from most thrushes.) Such a lovely bird to see on such a lovely day!
Hard to see the second Brown Thrasher here, but it’s the best shot in that regard (just above and to the right-ish of the one in the foreground):
From the Sidewalk Trail (east end), we’d be remiss if not mentioning it’s fuzzy goose baby season! So cute!
[Editor’s note: “Fuzzy goose babies?” Sincere apologies. Obviously the correct term is gosling.]