Another Beach Beauty

More digital photographs from last week at Presque Isle State Park, featuring beautiful American Tree Sparrow @ Budny Beach, plus long-distance shots of Gull Point/outer Thompson Bay taken from Beach No. 11:

American Tree Sparrow

Species/sighting note: American Tree Sparrow breeds in far northern North America + overwinters, e.g., in places like Pennsylvania. Hence a common winter sighting in Erie Co.

This is the furthest/’pointy part’ of Gull Point, w/ Scaup (in flight), Tundra Swans (x5 – lower right middle and far right), & 1 Canada Goose (lower right, standing):

Ducks in flight over outer Gull Point
Tundra Swans & gulls
Another view @ Tundra Swans & misc. gulls
Gulls on ice, outer Thompson Bay
Misc. ducks in water near outer Gull Point

Coming up soon, a reasonably-exciting weekend update, w/ a return to Gull Point!