Hidden Birding Trails of Presque Isle

Off the beaten path…

Going off trail can be fun, annoying, messy, rewarding, pointless, etc. You may or may not see more birds. But there’s no better way to maximize what Presque Isle State Park has to offer.


Welcome to a recurring, occasional series on the ‘hidden’ birding trails of Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA. Not all these trails are secret or hard to find; many are “hidden in plain sight,” but often overlooked in favor of the better-known trails (ahem – Gull Point). Others are informal/unofficial tracks, or require true bushwhacking. As always, bird/nature activity varies significantly based on time of day, time of year, weather conditions, etc. However, all these locations have proven fruitful, at one time or another.

Take Heed

The ‘trails’ in this series are relatively easy to access, e.g., requiring no special equipment for traversing swampland or the like. However, be cognizant of local conditions, which vary based on weather and the time of year. Other precautions: (i) trails can be overgrown, including wild blackberry (think thorns), poison ivy (think itching), and the like. Portions may be locally muddy. Wear long pants and boots. (ii) Be respectful of park regulations, e.g., as posted, access to some locations is restricted. (iii) Hunting is allowed in season. Wear ‘hunter orange’ clothing as needed. Be aware of active duck blinds on the back bay. (iv) Arguably, hard to get lost on Presque Isle, but carry a phone with a compass app. Or carry a compass. (v) Be respectful of the park and nature.

Black-throated Blue Warbler, off the Ridge Trail (south)