Dateline: 14 January 2023

Finally delivering on the promised Great Black-backed Gull content from last Saturday, along with some “misc nature.”

Here’s our cute Pekin friend with accompanying Mallard ducks. Might recall this bird was spotted on Lake Erie off Budny Beach on Sunday – it gets around! (Or, there could be more than one.)

Great Black-backed Gulls. They’re big, they’re black (partially), they’re great!
Distant view, Lake Erie, mixed gulls on sandbar off Beach 11:

Front a distance, distinctive due to very dark (black) wings:

Several views, from further to closer:

Adult Great Black-backed Gull ID tips: (i) large size: compare the GB-bG adult center right to the Ring-billed Gull just off center left; (ii) very dark wings; (iii) white head, throat, and breast, yellow bill and red spot on lower bill; and (iv) pink-ish legs. (Lesser Black-backed Gull = gray wings and yellow legs.)

In the following crop, adult is center. Bird on the right probably a first- or second-winter Great Black-backed Gull. Note the size, dark bill, sort of mottled head/breast, and checkered black/gray wings. (More shots of this bird next time.) Bird on left could be juvenile Herring Gull.

An uncommon treat to get some reasonably nice shots of GB-bG in flight:

Currently having a spell of bad weather in Erie County – rain, more rain, mixed rain/snow, more rain, wind, overcast. Wishing everyone a nice weekend nevertheless! And in any event, coming up soon: more Great Black-backed Gull!