Pigeons, CA

More from Oceanside, California, w/ nice shots of lovely Rock Pigeon. (As the saying goes, “Go to California for pigeons.”) This is at cute, ocean-adjacent (ocean side?) Buccaneer Park.

At this same location, the mouth of Loma Alta Creek, with a great sighting of a beautiful Snowy Egret (note the distinctive yellow feet):

Pied-billed Grebe
Pied-billed Grebe II

Pigeons in Erie County, Pennsylvania are mostly seen perched on buildings or power lines, rarely up close. Nice to see these ‘not so far away’ photographs. Same for Snowy Egret – quite uncommon in Erie.

2 thoughts on “Pigeons, CA

  1. Paul Edwards

    How does the Team Leader do it? He always finds the best birds and makes the best shots! This Team Member did see the pigeon sitting on a roof.

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