Misc. Bird Post author By admin1 Post date February 12, 2025 No Comments on Misc. Bird Today’s post, recent shots of miscellaneous winter birds in Millcreek Twp, Pennsylvania (“Gateway to Presque Isle”): American Robin on Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina) White-breasted Nuthatch Eastern Bluebird Northern Cardinal (f) Tufted Titmice Black-capped Chickadee Robin II The Chickadee takes flight Nuthatch II A Titmouse takes flight Chickadee III Titmouse III Chickadee IV w/ snow Dark-eyed Junco Nuthatch III Titmouse IV Nuthatch IV Titmouse V Nuthatch V Titmouse VI Nuthatch VI Titmouse VII The Nuthatch takes flight Titmouse VIII Dark-eyed Junco II The Robin takes flight