Continuing on with very recent content from Presque Isle State Park under cloudy/snowy conditions. Following is Presque Isle Bay looking towards North Pier (+ United States Coast Guard Station), w/ landing Lesser Scaup:

Lots more Bald Eagle activity this time of year, e.g., seven individuals spotted more-or-less concurrently in the same area, including this pair in flight:

Mixed waterfowl off Leo’s Landing, sans duck hunters. These include Canada Geese, Horned Grebe, Redhead, Gadwall, American Coot, & Mallard:

It was at a bit of a distance, but still great to see American Pipit foraging on the beach:

Another view of landing Lesser Scaup. Hard to see, but note the incoming flock in the distance at the top of the shot. Ducks in the water include Scaup (Greater/Lesser?), Ruddy Duck, & Bufflehead:

Uh, what’s this?!?

Coming up soon, more on a mystery shorebird!
The pipit was really cute! (team member definitive analysis!)
Sparrow VI on log was really charming (more analysis!)
Pipit is not per se uncommon, but only seems to show up in very limited weather/etc. conditions. It has been nice to have 1 or 2 ‘hanging out’ in the Leo’s Landing area for multiple days.