Recently, In Erie Co., PA

Caught a slight break in the weather in Millcreek Twp. (“Gateway to Presque Isle”) yesterday afternoon with localized clear skies and sun. (Thankfully, the snowplows finally returned…) Weather this morning: snow. field operations canceled for day 3 due to road restrictions/conditions.

Snow falling

While waiting on forthcoming snow/ice pictures (?), here’s misc. photos from the last few weeks in Erie County, mostly Presque Isle State Park & South Pier:

American Tree Sparrow

ID note on American Tree Sparrow: dark eyeline like Chipping Sparrow, but note the distinctive yellow lower beak mandible.

American Pixie Gull in flight

Two Tundra Swans on Presque Isle Bay, first shot is cropped/enlarged, second is not @ 600mm:

Double-crested Cormorant

Following shot is American Coot & Ruddy Duck at head of Presque Isle Bay. Ruddy Ducks are at far right, fourth from right, and second from left, etc. Coots are the dark ones.

American Pixie Gull, floating
Canada Geese @ Thompson Bay
Herring Gull, probably, in flight
Floating II
Either Mallards or American Black Ducks
Gull II
Floating III
GBH @ Thompson Bay swamp/pond
Vocalizing Ring-billed Gull
Floating IV

Following shot is at Beach No. 11 w/ Great Black-backed Gull second from right, + misc. gulls:

Gull III

These were really far away and are hard to see in the picture, but it’s Northern Pintail ducks on Long Pond + misc. Mallards/American Black Ducks. The Pintail males have the white chest + a band of connecting white up the rear side of the head:

Extreme enlargement (Pintail males at left, bottom center, and right):

Howling II
Belted Kingfisher
American Tree Sparrow II
Bald Eagles by Big Pond
Howling III
Seems like a bad idea…

2 thoughts on “Recently, In Erie Co., PA

  1. Paul Edwards

    Lovely photos: loved the ‘howling gull’ on the light. Will the light show the gull the way?
    And what WAS that person doing on the rocks? How did she/he get out there? People do the strangest things!

    1. admin1 Post author

      Appears they were taking ‘selfies’ against the surf. Getting washed into the lake is unlikely, but it was really windy and cold. Not ideal weather for being inundated.

      Couldn’t tell from that shot, but the rocks were connected to the beach proper by a thin strip of sand.

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