Turkeys Day

Friday weather today in Erie County, Pennsylvania: heavy snow and lots of it. All field operations canceled.

Just enough time yesterday morning for a quick outing to Presque Isle State Park before getting the tofu log into the oven. With substantial rain, the park was largely deserted other than duck hunters and the poor folks by the main entrance suffering through Erie’s annual ‘Turkey Trot’ 5k/10k. And for birds, what else for the Thanksgiving holiday than cooperative Wild Turkeys by Presque Isle Light House? (Truly a happy coincidence.)

Coming soon, more turkeys, featuring WTIF! (Really!)

3 thoughts on “Turkeys Day

  1. Paul Edwards

    This team member was glad that the Team Leader didn’t catch one of these birds for his TDay meal! His goose was cooked!

    1. admin1 Post author

      Snow continues this evening here in Erie. Perhaps the most snow in one day in five years? Might be true.

      Weather analysis suggests it might be due to record high lake temps (for this time of year) meeting cold air over the eastern end of Lake Erie.

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