Enough with the yawn-inducing Arizona stuff already. “Oh, we’re in the desert and the weather’s nice and there’s rainbows and flowers and exotic birds eating food out of our hands, like Gray Hawk and Five-striped Sparrow,” blah, blah, blah. You know what we had in Erie the other weekend? Cold rain, brown leaves, and Herring Gulls carrying around dead fish! And we liked it!
[Editor’s note: thanks to Dana Carvey.]
Observation: either the other gulls were not interested in the fish, or it was so ‘dead’ that none of them wanted anything to do with it!
Really great sequence of the gull getting fish, then flying to shore to dine on it! Yummy!
Good call. Pretty sure the fish was dead/floating in the lagoon when picked up by the gull. Bleh. Interesting to see, though.