Sadly, time once again to depart the BIRDS field station for returning to Presque Isle State Park and the forthcoming fall warbler/etc. migration. Lots of great ‘desert’ bird activity this year; “new for” sightings included Mountain Bluebird, White-faced Ibis, Neotropic Cormorant, Hermit Warbler, Cassin’s Sparrow, & Green Kingfisher (!), even a quick fly-by of Black-bellied Whistling-Duck. Relative to past years, special mention to lots of great Gray Hawk activity, plus extended viewings of Yellow-headed Blackbird & Five-striped Sparrow:
Plenty more Arizona content forthcoming; in the meantime, very special shots of lovely Broad-billed Hummingbird & Verdin at a Yellow Bells (a.k.a. Esperanza, a.k.a. Yellow Trumpetbush) plant (Tecoma stans) at Tohono Chul Park: