Dull Point?

It was so windy Saturday at Presque Isle State Park, thought maybe the only thing to see at Gull Point would be a lone Ring-billed Gull. Fear not – great day for birds, including excellent plover activity.

Lone Ring-billed Gull @ Gull Point trail

By the first lagoon, the local Whimbrel:

Blending in (Whimbrel lower left)

By the main lagoon by the Gull Point observation platform, tough to ID, but possibly – Baird’s Sandpiper (left); Black-bellied Plover (upper middle); Least Sandpiper (lower middle); Semipalmated Sandpiper (middle right); Semipalmated Plover (far right); unknown – perhaps another Least Sandpiper (lower right):

Mixed shorebirds
More mixed shorebirds

Left-to-right (possible IDs) – Baird’s Sandpiper; Black-bellied Plover; Least Sandpiper; another Least Sandpiper; Semipalmated Plover; Semipalmated Sandpiper:

Another view of mixed shorebirds

Here’s the plover from the shots above (possibly Black-bellied Plover), with another plover in the vegetation (upper right-hand corner):

Two plovers

Based on the brown cap, pronounced white eyebrow, brown colouration, and ‘wings extend past tail,’ the latter is believed to be an American Golden-plover:

Black-bellied Plover (?)
Song Sparrow

More views of Plover, probably Black-bellied, species not 100% certain:

This may be a Pectoral Sandpiper:

Possibly Pectoral Sandpiper (?) in flight

Sanderling in flight, with a Semipalmated Plover on far left:

More Sanderling flying/landing:

More views of (probably) American Golden-plover:

Double-crested Cormorants, etc. @ Gull Point

Back at the lagoon by the roped trail entrance, with Black-bellied Plover = distinctive black under-wings. Also, note the crisp black-and-white checkerboard colouration and short tail end.

3x Black-bellied Plover
Black-bellied Plover (r) + Whimbrel (!)
Black-bellied Plover (in flight) + Yellowlegs (upper r) + Whimbrel (lower r)
Black-bellied Plover
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B-b Plover duo

Coming up soon, more Whimbrel content! Can’t get enough Whimbrel.

2 thoughts on “Dull Point?

    1. admin1 Post author

      Thanks – even with good equipment it’s tough to get good ‘in flight’ shots, but if you take enough pictures it works out at least some of the time 😉 + luck/perseverance.

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