PI Bird Alert

Dateline: 29 May 2023

Spectacular Monday morning at Gull Point, Presque Isle State Park; perfect weather, no one around other than BirdingPI.com’s holiday volunteer contingent.

View NW of Gull Point from Cranch Park (‘mainland’/Erie)

Been out to Gull Point too many times to count, but this is the first ever BirdingPI.com sighting of Piping Plover at this location!

Photography here was very long distance from the observation platform; aesthetically very unsatisfying, but still cool to see this bird. This shot @ 800mm, cropped to 16×9 but not ‘enlarged’/zoomed in:

Piping Plover

Taking flight (just to the right of center):

Exploring the dunes; uncropped view (bird is just off center):

Cropped (bird approximately at center):

Bird is right of center:

Back to the beach: