Weekend Update

Dateline: 21 May 2023

Scarlet Tanager (m), Long Pond Trail

Another beautiful weekend at Presque Isle State Park, Erie, PA. After the rain Saturday morning: cool, humid, mostly cloudy; lovely, lingering scent of honeysuckle on the Pine Tree Trail (Common Yellowthroat, Bay-breasted Warbler, etc.; report forthcoming); Sunday: sunny, cool, slightly windy, beautiful day.

Long Pond Trail – east trailhead

After just a fleeting glimpse the other day at Asbury Woods, BirdingPI.com personnel were dispatched for spending Sunday scouring the Long Pond Trail ‘hinterlands.’ Mission: Scarlet Tanager!

First up, by the east trailhead, another “first of 2023” BirdingPI.com sighting, Northern Parula! Not the best shots ever for showing distinctive colouring, but still excellent to see:

Yellow Warbler

In that same area, another “first of 2023,” awful photographs of Blackpoll Warbler (m)(!):

Part of the southwest side of Long Pond is defined by a roughly NW-to-SE sand ridge; hence the stand of mature forest in this spot. Pond on the one side, swamp on the other, tall trees and brush in between = bird goodness.

Long Pond Trail
Trees on Long Pond Trail
Long Pond

Warbler nest near Boat Landing #5:

Brown-headed Cowbird (m)
Looking towards west trailhead, Long Pond Trail
West end Long Pond Trail = flooded
Looking back southeast along Long Pond sand ridge
NE view of Long Pond from west end of Long Pond sand ridge

Several shady shots of Red-eyed Vireo:

House Wren
Some sort of Sparrow
Tree Swallow I
Tree Swallow II
Tree Swallow III
GHIF (Green Heron in flight)
Yellow Warbler II

BirdingPI.com’s springtime “go to” spot for the amazingly red Scarlet Tanager = Long Pond Trail:

Mission: successful!

More House Wren

3 thoughts on “Weekend Update

  1. Paul Edwards

    This staff member had a disc filled with even better pictures, but tripped and fell in the water and lost all the data.
    Spent the rest of the day moping around.

  2. Paul Edwards

    Will give credit to the leader of BirdingPI for finding the really gorgeous Tanager pics. It’s no wonder he’s the leader!

  3. Pingback: Pond Of The Woods - Birding, PI

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