Even More PTT

Everyone at BirdingPI.com loves the Pine Tree Trail: flat, pretty, well- drained, good parking, etc. And sometimes there’s birds, like these from the other weekend. #more_bird

Possibly Swainson’s Thrush
American Redstart (m)
Possibly Veery
Gray Catbird!
Magnolia Warbler (m)
Magnolia Warbler – takeoff

Probably Eastern Wood-pewee:

Chestnut-sided Warbler I
Chestnut-sided Warbler II
American Redstart (m) I
American Redstart (m) II
American Redstart (m) III
Yellow Warbler (f)

Probably more Swainson’s Thrush:

American Redstart (f)

Lovely Black-throated Green Warbler:

Finally, two ok shots of female Ruby-throated Hummingbird: